

A 60s icon, the first top model in history and one of the most beautiful women of the 20th century. British model and actress Jean Shrimpton. This symbol of the Swinging London era, the mini-skirt era (mind her long, slim legs) became a world known model, whose pretty face with big blue eyes was on the covers of top fashion magazines.
BBC is making a film about her romance with photographer David Bayley who made a model-star out of an unknown British girl. Although the trailer is not very promising, I would like to watch the film as a 60s setting fan. We'll Take Manhattan is coming soon.


Bonjour Tristesse

I watched her both in black and white and in technicolor in the film Bonjour Tristesse from 1958. Based on the novel by Francoise Sagan, it is set mostly in the French Rivera, where 17 year old Cecile spends holidays with her playboy father. Jean Seberg perfectly fits this role of a young, lively, careless girl, who is actually spoiled and extremely selfish, running in shorts and a blue shirt tied at the waist and stylish one-piece swimsuits, exposing her girly shapes.
I fell in love with her boyish haircut that suits her more than any other actress of that time. And that gorgeous dress in the black and white shots from Paris. Jean Seberg is my new discovery in the field of beauty icons.